I am the Ruler here

I am the Ruler here

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

another fishing tale...

Well this morning Courtney and I decided we would run away again and go fishing. So we did, at about 9:15 we got on the road which is two hours later than I planed (my alarm failed to wake me this morning). Basically most of the prime fishing time had passed but we decided we would still try anyway. We went to the same place as before except that we walked out onto a boat dock which was near the dam. I had picked up some new lures the night before and tried some of them out. I didn't get a hit on anything until I used dad's red and white spoon lure. I threw that out and probably on the third cast *boom* I get a huge hit. I'm reeling this fish and Courtney is getting excited. I must have caught the fish unaware because he didn't try to jump to get away like yesterday's brook did (which he did 3 times). This one tried to surface a time or two but I think I forced him back under. I got him up to the side of the dock and scooped him out with my net (I'm going to need a bigger one because all these fish are basically falling out of it when I pick them up). We brought a soft measuring tape with us today so that we could see how big the fish are. This beautiful Rainbow Trout measured in at 20 inches long and about 4 inches at the "waist" (thickest part). He didn't put up as much of a fight as the Brook did but it was still exciting. I had a lot more water I had to run him through before he got to the dock. After we got him turned back loose I couldn't even get another bite at that place so we moved back to the bank. We were about to pack up when I made a cast out with dad's red and white spoon and while in the process of reeling the lure back in I got an enormous bite. This fish hit the lure and pulled so hard I lost my balance on the rock I was standing on. I set the hook and the battle began. I started reeling him in and it felt like there was some other person on the other side who had a hold of the line and was pulling as hard as they could, or like when you get a snag in a river on a rock which is rolling down stream. I knew then that this was a monster, it had to be twice as big as the rainbow I had caught earlier. As I'm reeling in this fish pulls against me, lets up and then gives a huge pull and then the line went slack. My heart sank, I knew all to well what had just happened by how light the line felt. I reeled in the rest of my line and sure enough, there was no lure or swivel. This monster of a fish had hit my lure, taken it and broken the line in about a whole 4 seconds. I was awstruck, I have never caught a fish that hit my line as hard as that one did. I would give almost anything to have been able to see through the water and see what kind of fish it was and how big it was and whether or not my lure was embedded in its lip, stomache or resting on the river floor. This lack of identification will haunt me for some time to come. I'm hoping that when we go back tonight I might land that sucker and then see if I can find my lure in it. Until next time monster fish...

A fishing tale...

Yesterday I decided I was going to do absolutely nothing productive. I started out the day by going paintballing. After that I came home ate, took a nap, and then went fishing. Courtney and I hopped in the car and took off to American Falls. We went fishing below the Dam on the Snake River. However before we got there we drove around for probably an hour trying to find some sportsman's access points that we ran into on one of our random drives where we get lost for fun. Unfortunately we didn't find any and so we just decided to go there. By the time we got there the sun was pretty low and we only had about 40 minutes to fish. Right now that area is limited to catch and release fishing with no barbed hooks or bait. So basically jigs, lures and flies. I used a couple of different spoons until I finally used one my father gave me. It was a silver spoon with red wavy lines on the sides. I threw that out and after a couple of casts I got a huge hit. And so the battle began... Well fortunately for me when the fish took the lure he was only about twelve feet from shore or else this would have been a long battle. When I finally reeled him in I was trying to get him in my net but he was still fighting me. I had landed myself a good ol Brook Trout. I know he was old because he was probably missing half his scales on one side and was quite large. I didn't have a tape measure but I estimate his size to be between 16 and 20 inches. He took the entire lure into his mouth and so I had to try to get all 3 prongs out. Which was difficult for several reasons, one being that every 6 seconds he would start flipping, another being that one prong was in each lip and the third in the roof of his mouth. I had to try to get that out without killing the creature. Needless to say I got him taken care of and sent him back to his fish friends. After that a few more casts turned up nothing and it was getting dark so we headed home.

Friday, April 1, 2011

With regards to the roommate...

I have been frustrated beyond all understanding with this issue. To the extent that I think it has given me a physical headache during the last week or so. Because of this frustration I have decided to abandon all thought about this issue at all. If you wish to know what has happened then please feel free to cut me an email and I'll tell you guys then. Needless to say I'm frustrated and am getting a new set of sheets :-\. Anyway, I think that I may need to start to abandon the anger and just embrace what will be coming soon and the happiness of actual spring. In fact we may actually experience a thunderstorm tomorrow. I definitely hope so. Anyway, don't worry, just be happy.

With regards to this day...

   You know I would have to say that today has been a very good day. I woke up this morning and had a very restful sleep. I got ready and then went to breakfast with my angel. After I went to breakfast I went to class and when I was done I came home. I did some work for my dad and then Courtney and I went to the campus and tried to fly a kite on the Quad. However the wind wasn't quite steady enough to keep it up in the air. So we just enjoyed the sun. Now I think that we will be going to dinner soon. I have just felt so happy today. The sun has been out and it has been warm all day. It has been a very wonderful day. I thought I'd just share it with the rest of you. Basically I just have to smile and be happy. I hope you all have had the exact same day and if not I hope you will soon. Everyone needs to feel like this once in a while.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

With regards to my lackidasical nature...

My apologies my dear readers, it has almost been three weeks since my last post and I feel bad for leaving you all hanging. Well I'm done with K Mart and am now working for Valor Industries as a computer tech. This is a much better job. I never told you about my video game tournament but basically, I went, I saw, I played, and I conquered. My issues with my roommates are still extremely frustrating. I will go into those more in a different post. They are too irritating and in depth to go over in this little apology ;-). The wedding plans are going great, we're getting a lot of things ready and should be ready for it. I enjoyed spring break this week, although it seemed to fly by far too fast. I'm hoping the next 6 weeks will go by quickly and then I'll be done with my first year of school and will only have maybe 5 left :-\. This is all I've really got for you guys now, more soon to follow...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

With regards to life at present...

So here I am, sitting in my blogging chair while I think of something to write. I have had some very interesting going ons lately. Some of you may have read my two weeks' notice fore _ Mart. I am very relieved to have completed that and submitted it. I just feel better knowing that I will soon be free from that oppression. I also did exceptionally well on the mid term for my chemistry class. I scored an 83 (89 with the curve) which is really quite amazing considering my past scores. I am really excited and am hoping that this half of the semester will start looking up for me. If I can continue to do this good I may be able to pull an A in the class which would be amazing. Yesterday while I was in chemistry my professor told us about the homework. About how he felt people were not getting all the points because they felt like they might be cheating the system. He told us it would be ok if we did that and so he basically told us to cheat. However with his assignments you have to cheat in order to complete them by the time they are due. He usually doesn't go over the subject matter in the homework until at least two or three days after the it is due. I know that we're supposed to read ahead but he expects far too much for a 100 level class (4 hours of out of class reading a night). His expectations are ridiculous as are his tests and teaching style. He makes me question why I am paying so much money for this kind of class, but oh well. I will just do my best. That is all you really can do.

On a slightly different note; I have acquired all 7 seasons of Star Trek the Next Generation and are really quite enjoying them. I am not a fan of Security Officer Tasha Yar or William Riker without facial hair but I guess I'll just grin and bear it. (I'm halfway through season 1 right now) William Riker is really a ladies' man, whether he is on the bridge, holo-deck or foreign planets. More would probably follow on the subject but I know most of you don't care so I'll just skip to the parts that are less about a favorite TV show.

This is pretty much all I have time for right now. I just woke up this morning feeling great and decided I'd write a blog post before I actually communicated with the world and realized how great it really isn't. I also recently won a Call Of Duty Black Ops tournament on PS3. I won a $65 gift card to Gamestop, but I'll go into that on another post.
I'm out,

Monday, March 7, 2011

With regards my employment...

And here is the second to final chapter in my experience at K Mart. This is my two weeks notice as it was left in an envelope for my manager tomorrow morning:

To whom it may concern,
            It has come to my attention that my services are no longer necessary at this facility. For this and several other reasons I hereby tend my resignation with the submittal of this my two weeks’ notice.  I would inform you that the final day of my employment with the K Mart Corporation will be on the eighteenth day of March in this the year of our lord, two thousand and eleven. During my course of employment with this corporation I have experienced several things which have made me feel both uncomfortable and morally compromised; I have been offended by both corporate policies and local management on several occasions. I also feel that I should not be employed in a place where my financial security is dependent on how well I am able to emotionally please those who act as supervisors to the general store operation. I also feel that I should not be employed at a facility where the before mentioned financial issue forces oneself to become a debtor in order to provide the necessities of life, i.e. food, housing, etc. I also feel that my employment should not continue at a facility where communication between supervisors and associates is viewed as something to be completed at convenience and not out of necessity.  For these and several other reasons do I submit this two weeks’ notice for the purpose to notify the management and corporate offices that I will be terminating my employment with K Mart. If any clarification is needed or there are any questions please feel free to contact me.

            Daniel G. Peterson
I figured I'd share that with your guys for your enjoyment. He he he.